Arrested Development To Premiere On May 26 With New Characters

Arrested Development To Premiere On May 26 With New Characters

Arrested Development To Premiere On May 26 With New Characters

Nine new characters will be added to “Arrested Development” when it will premiere on May 26. Advertisements were also released by Netflix prior to the premiere, which will see the return of all of the members of the Bluth family.

The introduction of the nine new characters came as the streaming service was promoting the revival of the show. Each of the members of the Bluth family was introduced through posters that combined some references to the past seasons of the show. The posters also showed the new medium where the show will come out.

Jessica Walters is back in the role of Lucie Bluth and the poster featuring her indicates that since she does not understand the question about streaming through Netflix, she will not respond to it.

Will Arnett is also back in the role of Gob Bluth as well as Michael Cera, who plays George Michael Bluth although he remains the same since he last played the part. All of the fifteen new episodes of “Arrested Development” will premiere on Netflix on May 26.

The new season of the show will still be under the direction of Mitch Hurwitz, who is also the writer and creator of the show. However, he said that the new season may not be the same as the original series since each episode will highlight the individual characters. He is also optimistic of a movie following its run on Netflix.

Jason Bateman, who stars as Michael Bluth, revealed that the new season brings “Arrested Development” back to life. He added that the episodes will pose a number of questions that can only be answered through a movie.

He said that the “Arrested Development” movie will give a bigger picture and the entire story of the show since it brings all of the episodes together at once.

Posted by on Sunday April 28 2013, 3:05 AM EDT. Ref: NY Daily News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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