Aruba Is Paradise For Extreme Sports

Aruba Is Paradise For Extreme Sports

Aruba Is Paradise For Extreme Sports

While the Caribbean Island is best known for its beautiful white sandy beaches, crystal clean water and Palm Beach sunsets a new form of tourism has made its way into the mainstream reality of this vacation paradise. The terrain in and around the Arikok National Wildlife Park proves to be a haven for adrenaline seeking tourists.

Visitors can start by trekking through the arid, almost desert-like parts of the island either by bike, car or foot. The trip includes beautiful views of natural fauna and flora, immense sand dunes and towering rocks. The most exciting part is the Natural Pool, a small ocean water lake that harbors jellyfish, turtles and octopuses.

Windsports are also a popular form of entertainment in Aruba as the small island is hit by serious winds all year round. A host of windsurfing, parasailing and kitesurfing opportunities have appeared in recent years with several schools that can introduce novices to any of the mentioned sports.

Biking is another form of extreme sport that grown in popularity in Aruba. A trip through the rough terrain of Arikok National Park can give even experienced bikers a workout. The best part of the whole experience are the numerous picturesque views.

If you want to experience more of the water, Aruba has one of the richest wreck diving offers in the world with anything from German WWII ships to beautiful coral formations on offer.

Posted by on Sunday May 18 2014, 12:13 PM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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