Beyonce Lip-Sync Scandal Rages On

Beyonce Lip-Sync Scandal Rages On

Beyonce Lip-Sync Scandal Rages On

It is still unclear whether Beyonce lip-synced the national anthem during President Barack Obama’s inauguration but the scandal that arose is still under way and is becoming more talked about than the newly instated President’s speech.

The accusations that Beyonce lip-synced the national anthem were thrown right after the performance on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

The story was further publicized when The Washington magazine and The Times of London reported the new, and wrote up articles about the alleged incident.

To add more drama to the situation, Beyonce herself released some pictures with her practicing with the U.S. Marine Band, before the ceremony took place. This led to further debate whether there was a prerecorded tape of the performance or not.

U.S. Marine Band representatives gave conflicting statements on the situation while Beyonce has kept silent.

Captain Gregory Wolf, representative of the U.S. Marine Band said “Regarding Ms. Knowles-Carter's [Beyonce] vocal performance, no one in the Marine Band is in a position to assess whether it was live or pre-recorded”

The representative only confirmed that a prerecorded track existed and was used in place of live accompaniment.

The debate is still very much alive on all social media sites where opinions differ on the subject but somehow come together on how silly the whole Beyonce accusations are.

Posted by on Thursday January 24 2013, 2:24 AM EDT. Ref: VoA. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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