Hailee Steinfeld Confident At Her Debut Performance

Academy Award-nominated actress, Hailee Steinfeld, gave her all during her debut performance at “The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon.” She appeared confident and upbeat at her late-night debut when she performed “Love Myself,” her debut single. The self-confidence may also be attributed to the controversial topic of the song itself.

While the actress was able to showcase her vocal range by playing an acoustic version of the song, she knows that it is a kind of song requiring a full production number. The actress is a part of the group of noted friends of Taylor Swift.

Hailee Steinfeld Confident At Her Debut Performance

Hailee Steinfeld Confident At Her Debut Performance - image credit: billboard.com

A photo posted by Steinfeld on Instagram referred to the first time she became a guest on “The Tonight Show” when she was still fourteen years old. During this time, the actress received a nomination for the role she played on “True Grit” in 2010. She was also able to meet Lady Gaga during this first appearance on the show.

The caption on the Instagram photo indicated that she was a musical guest on the show and she was only fourteen years old when she first appeared on “The Tonight Show.” She added that she never thought she would come back for a performance. Hailee Steinfeld also thanked Jimmy Fallon for the opportunity to perform on the show.


Posted by on Thursday October 08 2015, 10:23 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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