Jackie Chan Speaks Out On His Son’s Detention

Jackie Chan Speaks Out On His Son’s Detention

Jackie Chan Speaks Out On His Son’s Detention

Jackie Chan finally spoke out following the arrest of his son in a drug bust in Beijing. The action star said his family was heartbroken due to the incident.

Jaycee Chan was detained by police after 100 grams of marijuana was found in his home on Thursday. The arrest was part of an extensive crackdown against illegal drugs. The 31-year-old son of the famous actor faces charges of accommodating drug users. The charge carries a three-year prison term.

The action star father is the anti-drug ambassador of China, a post that was given to him in 2009. He took up the controversy through his website.

The 60-year-old action start revealed that he was initially enraged when he heard the report. He added he was ashamed as a public figure and was disappointed and very sad as a father. He also wrote that the person who felt most heartbroken was the mother of Jaycee. Jackie Chan also hoped that the younger generation will learn from the mistake of his son and stay away from drug abuse.

Jackie then addressed his son directly and told him to accept the responsibility for his actions.

The action star indicated that he wanted to take the opportunity to tell his son that he did something wrong and he has to accept the consequences of his actions. He added that he will always be with Jaycee as his father and they will deal with the future together.

Jackie also wrote that he is also taking some responsibility since he was the father and he did not teach his son well. He also extended his apologies to everyone on behalf of his son and himself for the negative effect of the incident had on society.

Jackie Chan disinherited his son in 2011 saying half of his fortune will be given to charity while the other half will not go to Jaycee.

Posted by on Friday August 22 2014, 7:50 AM EDT. Ref: People. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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