Lindsay Lohan Says Her Pregnant Tweet Was Just For April’s Fools

Lindsay Lohan Says Her Pregnant Tweet Was Just For April’s Fools

Lindsay Lohan Says Her Pregnant Tweet Was Just For April’s Fools

The starlet who is known for getting herself into more trouble than she can handle sometimes, tried to make a joke on all her social media followers, a joke that didn't really work that well.

As Lohan will shortly begin her court ordered 90 days in a rehabilitation clinic she managed to become the center of attention once again with a tweet that basically said she was pregnant, a statement that shocked a lot of her followers and fans.

After April’s fools was over, at least on the East Coast, Lindsay Lohan who will be 27 this year twitted a message that left her followers stunned, and a lot of the media wondering if she was making a joke or if she really had gotten herself pregnant.

The tweet read “It's official. Pregnant…”, and shortly 12000 people had re-tweeted her hoax.

With her legal trouble just being resolved, the stint was a risky one, but the timing was too good to be missed.

Lohan, who has recently just started dating musician Avi Snow, confirmed that her tweet was an April’s Fool’s joke and responded with a second tweet that said “April Fools. Where’s everyone’s sense of humor?”

Lindsay Lohan who is at the moment in Brazil confirmed that the tweet was a joke after just 10 hours.

Posted by on Wednesday April 03 2013, 3:37 AM EDT. Ref: nydailynews. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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