Niagara Falls Freezes

Temperatures have gone so low that the Niagara Falls has frozen. Aside from the famous falls, the Great Lakes have also started to fill with ice. Ice packs on the lakes have doubled in the past two weeks. The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory also revealed that around 85% of the lakes have iced over with Lake Erie nearly covered entirely with ice.

WKBW reported that the freezing of the falls has also started to draw in a good number of tourists, who were curious to see it since it has not frozen over for a very long time.

Maryann McCleary said in an interview that she has not seen the falls frozen for a very long time. The CNN affiliate reported that a number of tourists came from as Alabama while others may have even come from outside the United States. However, it should be noted that the Niagara Falls is not entirely frozen since water continues to flow underneath the ice. It should also be noted that when winter comes, some parts of the falls also fills up with ice. The last time the water stopped flowing was in 1848, which was caused by an ice jam.

Niagara Falls Freezes

Frozen Niagara Falls - image credit:

While the frozen condition of the Great Lakes is also notable, its 85 percent coverage is not considered a record since the ice coverage of the lakes in 1979 reached 94.7 percent. Last year the peak coverage of the lakes reached 92.5 percent, according to the records of the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory.

The extremely cold arctic air may cause the ice coverage to increase in the coming weeks, according to the National Weather Service. Due to this, the record for this year may even surpass previous ice coverage records of the Great Lakes.

Back to the Niagara Falls, a number of tourists took to Twitter to post their reactions about the rather interesting situation.

Sight-Seeing of the Falls with @danwierzba

A photo posted by Samantha Schultz (@schultz_27) on

#niagara #niagarafalls #buffalony #buffalove #ice #falls #water #cold

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Posted by on Saturday February 21 2015, 2:30 PM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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