Obese Americans will die earlier than healthier peers, study says

Obese Americans

Obese Americans will die earlier than healthier peers, study says

Obese Americans have an increased likelihood of dying prematurely because of complications from having excessive weight compared to those who maintain an ideal body weight and figure. The study, published by the New England Journal of Medicine, says that overweight people also have an increased risk as obese people to die sooner.

Researchers studied 1.5 million non-Hispanic White Americans and classified their weights, heights and their body mass index (BMI). The authors plan to replicate the study in other population groups. The ideal BMI is from 20 to 24.9 according to the study authors. Surpassing 25 significantly increases the risk for many diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The study found that overweight men and women who did not smoke were 13 times more likely to die earlier than their peers who weigh normally. Obese folks had a 44 percent greater risk of dying. Severely obese people, or those with a BMI rating of over 35, had a very high death risk of 88 percent.

“Both overweight and obesity are associated with increased all-cause mortality,” said study leader Amy Berrington de Gonzalez of the National Cancer Institute. “The results of our analysis are most relevant to whites living in affluent countries.”

The researchers said that obese Americans are now two thirds of the U.S. population and half of the people in developed nations are either overweight or obese. Other studies have linked obesity with earlier deaths but this study is the first to include overweight people and their own risk for dying.

Posted by on Thursday December 02 2010, 4:08 AM EDT. Ref: Bloomberg. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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