Recording Shows Ukrainian Separatists Are Backed By Russia

Recording Shows Ukrainian Separatists Are Backed By Russia

Recording Shows Ukrainian Separatists Are Backed By Russia

A recently surfaced online video shows how Ukrainian separatists that have taken over several government institutions in the biggest cities in Eastern Ukraine are being coordinated by Russian forces.

This recording was released by the SBU or Security Service of Ukraine, showing a series of conversations between separatist fighters with code names such as “Nose,” “Shooter,” or ”Adler” and Russian coordinators. The themes discussed vary with subject including weapon stockpiles, munitions and Ukrainian anti-terrorism targets.

Instructions Given Via Russian Area Code Number

The SBU identified the number the pro-Russian separatists have been calling with a Russian +7 area code. In the video the Russian coordinator named Alexander ask the operative with the code name “Shooter” to contact him with updates. “Shooter” later responds reporting that he is fighting off a first attack while “shooting some significant people.”

During the same conversation “Shooter” is asked to speak live to Russian television station “Life News.” Alexander, the Russian coordinator asks him not to identify himself and to bring an assistant with an Ukrainian accent. He is also asked to demand the federalization of Ukraine along with early gubernatorial elections and the refusal of outside financial help without 2/3 of the oblast’s support.

Information On Ukrainian Anti-Terrorism Forces 

The same “Shooter” agent is later contacted via the same Russian number by a man called Konstantin Valerievich. After being asked to report to someone named Askenov, he is question about an order to attack an SBU lead anti-terrorism unit outside of Slovyansk on April 13th. The attack, according to official Ukrainian sources left nine men seriously injured and SBU Captain Hennadiy Bilichenko killed. During the same conversation “Shooter” asks for anti-tank weapons with his Russian coordinator responding that an experienced platoon from Luhansk will be sent with anti-amour weapons shortly.

The operative named “Shooter” finally asks Konstantiv Valerievich who was injured in the April 13th attack with his Russian counterpart confirming the death of the Ukrainian Anti-Terrorism captain and praising “Shooter” for attacking the right target.

Posted by on Tuesday April 15 2014, 5:25 PM EDT. Ref: Kyivpost. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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