Social Media Presence Of Google Glass Removed

Over the weekend, Google removed the social media presence of the Google Glass as users of the device are now left with a single support page showing a phone number along with an email address. The online search giant stopped selling its smart glasses in January 2015.

The G+ Glass Explorers page serves as the main connection among users in the Glass community. The page used to show videos of execs of the company wearing the Glass while jumping on trampolines. It also showed the device worn by models during the New York Fashion Week. While the page continues to exist, all of the content has been removed. The Twitter and Facebook accounts of the Glass were also deleted.

While Google Glass users were considered innocent early adopters wanting to use the technology, it also resulted to a number of issues everywhere the device was brought. Most of the issues associated with the device were related to privacy as many people were concerned about covert filming and photography along with hacking. A good number of movie theaters banned the device due to piracy concerns.

Social Media Presence Of Google Glass Removed

Social Media Presence Of Google Glass Removed - image credit:

Even as the users and the Google Glass was the subject of many jokes due to its awkward design, it may not mean the device may disappear completely. It seems that the Glass name may be given up by the company, but the concept may continue. The company is reportedly developing a new version of the device as images of a prototype emerged in December.

Google may be attempting to remove the last traces of the brand with its move to remove the social media presence of the device. In its places Google is developing a new product currently named Project Aura, which will be built from scratch.

Tony Fadell is the man behind the new project. He has been with the company since his company, Nest, was acquired by Google in 2014. The design credentials of Fadell are impressive. He is the man behind the Apple iPod and persuaded the tech industry in loving the first product of his company, a thermostat.

No statements were released by Google on the reports about the Google Glass.

Posted by on Thursday January 28 2016, 8:40 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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