The Electronic Cigarettes Market Exceeds the Patches and Nicotine Gum Market in Europe

The Electronic Cigarettes Market Exceeds the Patches and Nicotine Gum Market in Europe

The Electronic Cigarettes Market Exceeds the Patches and Nicotine Gum Market in Europe

In 2013, the European market of nicotine replacement therapies (patches and nicotine gums, pills and many others) has decreased with 7%. This means that a total of about 100 million euros, less than the revenues from 2010 and less than revenues which are supposed to have had the electronic cigarettes market last year. It is no wonder that the pharmaceutical industry are so fiery against the electronic cigarettes industry.


There is no official research that compare the two markets, but it is highly probable that the e-cig could have been the main factor in the decline of the therapeutic markets that replace nicotine. The massive increase of e-cigs in Europe couldn’t have happened without negatively affecting the traditional cigarettes market, but also the approved therapies of giving up smoking.

It’s true, there aren’t yet any definite studies regarding the long-term effects of the electronic cigarette on the body, but as it doesn’t contain nicotine, carbon monoxide or tar. The sure thing is that it’s not as harmful as the traditional cigarette.

Pharmaceutical therapies

Pharmaceutical companies have been involved in debates regarding the electronic cigarette since it first appearance on the market. Even then, when they weren’t directly involved, pharmaceutical companies lice Glaxosmithkline or Johnsons & Johnson took care to finance experts to assist to various debates.

Pharmaceutical companies have gained millions of euros for a long period of time distributing ineffective or almost ineffective products that were supposed to help you give up smoking. The highest success rate that they offered was of approximately 6-7%, which is very close to the percentage of those who gave up smoking without any aid (4%). Moreover, studies have shown that in the long run, 99% of smokers that quit using these methods go back to smoking at one point or another.

In this pharmaceutical market came the electronic cigarettes, which really offer a way to give up traditional cigarettes, which led to a conflict between the two industries.

What is to come

Either way, the economic perspectives aren’t that good for pharmaceutical companies for this year. A big decrease in sales is expected to take place on the nicotine substitutes market for 2014, with a complete stagnation in 2015, as the e-cig industry continues to develop various products, fitted for all tastes and needs.

As there isn’t yet a definite, clear law about that covers the e-cig, so there are still many disputes about what is allowed and what is not regarding its commercialization. But since the fight is so tough, in the U.S., the Los Angeles City Council approved the restriction of the e-cigarette industry. This way, L.A. joins New York and Chicago in banning the use of e-cigs in public places like restaurants, workplaces and other public areas.

The electronic cigarette market made $1.5 billion in sales in 2013, as the marketing campaigns reached their peak.

As with every subject, there are different views on the same matter and discussions on whether e-cigs are a better alternative to other ways to quit smoking will still continue for a long time.

Posted by on Saturday March 08 2014, 3:48 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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