Top 5 Myths About Natural Male Enhancement

Top 5 Myths About Natural Male Enhancement

Top 5 Myths About Natural Male Enhancement

Men don't normally talk about sexual problems, therefore they can easily believe many myths and misnomers about natural male enhancement products. Some of these myths, include that men can't be manly if they don't take or use these natural enhancement products. Another myth involves the claims that natural enhancement products all work better than another. However, the Mayo Clinic has reported that no scientific research endorses natural enlargement products and health departments do not support pills or herbal medications. Other myths also claim that male sexual enhancement herbs are 100% safe to take daily dosage, but actually, too many herbal supplements can cause liver damage, heart arrhythmia, and other physical and neurological symptoms. Men can also be tricked into believing that the healthy ingredients listed on herbal supplements are pure and undiluted. However, in many cases, this is not true. Many companies that provide natural sexually enhanced pills usually taint it with sexually enhanced drugs like Viagra.

1. You Really Need Them

Marketing is all about understanding your customer and getting your customer to understand that you have the solution to their problem and only their products have what you need. Natural male enhancement products prey on men's dissatisfaction with their penis size. They make men feel that they need to take the supplements or use their devices to be a perfectly hung man. Advertisements are geared toward making men believe that their penis should be a certain size to keep their partners happy.

2. They Do What They Say They'll Do

An important ad campaign for men to try natural male enhancement products is that they make a promise to do what they say they will do. Certain herbal supplements are advertised to increase blood flow for better erections, when actually, they contain harmful levels of hormone drugs that will have the opposite effect on a man's sexual health, with harmful side effects. Another factor that natural male enhancement product don't always do what they say they'll do, is that clinical studies and research has been conducted on animals and not human beings.

3. Male Enhancement Herbs Are Safe

Many herbs only, male enhancement supplements and liquids actually contain powerful prescription drugs that could be dangerous to the human body and a man's sexual health. Herbal male enhancement products are marketed as an alternative that can be used without a prescription, when in fact, they are copies of potent sexually enhanced drugs. To know if male enhancement herbs are really safe, look for FDA labeling, look on the FDA website for warnings, and research its real contents.

4. Ingredients Are Listed Correctly

Men looking for natural enhancement herbal supplements contain either synthetic ingredients or what they are suppose to be made from, which is natural ingredients. Normally, natural male enhancement ingredients are safe and actually do help to improve the blood flow to the penis. Natural ingredients improve the cells of a penis which adapts to the increased blood volume that leads to enlarging the penis permanently. Synthetic ingredients can cause side effects, even though they can increase hardness, but fail to increase low libido drive, like natural ingredients do. Herbal ingredients, like ginseng, maca, ginkgo biloba, horny weed, and cnidium are some of the herbal drugs that boosts the levels of nitric oxide and testosterone faster than synthetic ingredients.

5. You'll Be Happier

Companies that sell male enhancement products try hard to make men believe that they will add inches to their penis, that they will have longer, lasting erections, and that you'll be happier with their product which promises to increase your sexual performance. Research these products carefully and talk to your physician before embarking on a self medicated plan to heal your sexual dysfunction. There are too many risks that will not make you happier if you have lost complete sensation in your penis, or if you have unreliable erections, or you tear a blood vessel or damage a nerve. You'll be happier when you talk to your partner about any dysfunctions you are experiencing and when you both work together to get help.


In talking about male enhancement frauds and scams, you probably wonder why the U.S. government doesn't do more to stop these companies. The sexual enhancement supplement industry works hard to keep the government out of their business. They mislabel their “natural” products with claims that can not be fully backed up. Besides male consumers develop the fear of not pleasing their significant other when they begin to develop dysfunctions, so they run to buy these unclaimed supplements labeled organic or natural.

Posted by on Thursday October 16 2014, 3:23 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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