Twitter Homepage Upgraded To Increase Its Appeal To Potential Users

In an effort to increase its appeal among new users, the Twitter homepage was given an upgrade by the social network. The upgrade provides potential users the capability of checking “top tweets” without having to sign in or register.

Twitter revealed through a blog post that the company is making changes for millions of visitors who want to know what is happening without having to log in. The previous Twitter homepage required visitors to log in before they can view the top tweets. With the upgrade, visitors will see a pair of columns showing different categories, including Business News, Pop Artists, Politics, and Cute Animals. Once visitors click on these links, they will see real-time tweets about these topics.

These “top tweets” were taken from the “most popular accounts” of the social network. Visitors can also sign in and register from these category pages.

Twitter Homepage Upgraded To Increase Its Appeal To Potential Users

New Twitter Homepage - image credit:

The company has long been insisting that it has a bigger audience compared to the monthly active users shown on figures it releases. The company is also aiming to increase these figures, particularly its number of active users. The fourth quarter earnings of Twitter revealed that it has nearly 290 million active monthly users.

The changes on the Twitter homepage were aimed at increasing interaction with both active and passive users of the service. The service also released a number of new features designed to increase mobile device activities. One of these features is Periscope, which allow users to stream live videos.

Twitter recently concentrated on installing features to attract visitors who are not active users of the service. Among these features include facilitating the inclusion of tweets in broadcasts and stories of media companies, the creation of curated lists showing suggested feeds for newly-registered users, and its updated homepage.

The new Twitter homepage is already available in the US, and will be made available to other countries later on.

Posted by on Thursday April 16 2015, 10:26 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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