Unintelligible Text May Be Considered As Stroke Symptoms

Unintelligible Text May Be Considered As Stroke Symptoms

Unintelligible Text May Be Considered As Stroke Symptoms

Although it is common knowledge that unintelligible speech is indicative of a stroke, senseless text messages can be considered as stroke symptoms as well. This phenomenon gives indications that the brain is lacking blood supply and is known as dystextia.

An anxious husband, who received rather puzzling text messages from his pregnant wife, immediately brought her to the hospital. At the hospital doctors recognized the stroke symptoms affecting the wife. The case was later reported on the Archives of Neurology journal.

The text messages that the husband received included “every where thinging days nighing” and “some is where.” The husband knew that the autocorrect feature of his wife’s phone was turned off.

According to Dr. Joshua Klein, the term “dystextia” was initially used to describe persons suffering from a migraine and find it difficult to coordinate their fingers to type in sensible text messages. The term is also used in describing the weakness in the arm of a person who had suffered an earlier stroke that caused the inability to type in readable words.

However, Klein indicated that this is the first time dystextia was reported describing the aphasia that affects around forty percent of stroke patients. Although the unintelligible text messages were considered stroke symptoms, the woman earlier found it difficult to fill out forms at the office of a doctor.

The hoarse voice of the woman may have prevented the doctor to discover the stroke symptoms through the way the woman spoke. With the increasing shift of communication to electronic from verbal, people should be quick to recognize signs of a stroke if their loved ones send messages that are unintelligible.

The unintelligible text messages sent may be stroke symptoms or even the possibility that the brain’s language areas may have been affected by a brain problem.

Posted by on Thursday December 27 2012, 1:38 PM EDT. Ref: Boston. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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