Windows 10 Official Price Released By Microsoft

Windows 10 will be sold at the same retail price as Windows 8.1, Microsoft confirmed recently. The price of the Home version is at $119, while the Professional version is priced at $199. On the other hand, the Pro Pack, which is aimed at people with a licensed copy of the Home version who may want to get the Professional version, is at $99.

The official prices of the upcoming operating system of Microsoft simply show that the price leaked through the retail site of NewEgg was incorrect. NewEgg indicated over the weekend that the Home Edition will be sold at $109 while the Professional version will be priced at $149. The retailer also claimed that the new software will enter the market on August 31.

However, Microsoft said users can start downloading Windows 10 by July 29. They can also opt to buy the software from retailers on the same date. Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users can download the software free-of-charge. While Microsoft indicated that these users will not pay anything during so-called “supported lifespan” of the device, it did not give any details about the phrase.

Windows 10 Official Price Released By Microsoft

Windows 10 Priced - image credit:

NewEgg already made the necessary changes on its site to reflect the actual price of the software and its availability date. According to an online sales agent, pre-orders may get a discount if it is placed successfully.

Following the announcement of Microsoft, hardware manufacturers have started to make plans for the official release of the software. Toshiba America Information Systems president & general manager Jeff Barney said the company is aware of the fact that a number of people are still using Windows 7 on their devices. He also said the company believes the new software offers a new opportunity to convince consumers. The company is set to release new laptops that can take advantage of all of the features offered by the new operating system, he added.

Since Windows 10 is available for free to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users, they can use all the features of the new OS until it becomes necessary to purchase the software.

Posted by on Wednesday June 03 2015, 3:29 PM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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