Lindsay Lohan Talks About Her Miscarriage

Lindsay Lohan Talks About Her Alleged Miscarriage

Lindsay Lohan Talks About Her Alleged Miscarriage

The season finale of Lindsay Lohan’s reality show broadcasted by Oprah’s OWN network had a shocking ending with Lohan talking about her miscarriage. The show that focuses on the tumultuous life of the young actress had another sad twist when Lohan confessed that she had a miscarriage while filming back in 2013.

Lohan addressed the issue as a response to why she missed several weeks of filming. She says this explains the period when show reps said she didn’t want to come in for the shoot. Lohan added that during that time she was very sick and was practically unable to move.

The trailer for the season finale of the Lohan based reality show advertised a shocking reveal, however, no one expected it to be so severe. This, however, wasn’t the only shocking episode of the saga with her sex list making mainstream news.

The actress said it was humiliating to have that list made public adding that it was a sexual inventory as step five of her eight step Betty Ford program suggests. She said the list was very personal and written for her sponsor.

Lohan also talked about her difficulty in watching the show as she feels saddened by the story but can’t imagine that the person portrayed on screen is her.


Posted by on Tuesday April 22 2014, 4:00 PM EDT. Ref: independent. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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