Rihanna Snubs Chris Brown At A Club

Rihanna Snubs Chris Brown At A Club

Rihanna Snubs Chris Brown At A Club

It appears that Chris Brown was not the Valentine of Rihanna. Following the star-studded Grammy Awards recently, the rather controversial pair were not quite a couple at the Playhouse. The two arrived separately at the Hollywood club recently.

The two were reportedly not on speaking terms when they were at the club as everyone else celebrated the first anniversary of a clothing line. An observer revealed that the two were sitting with their respective group of friends.

Rihanna reportedly did not want to sit near Chris Brown. When the 24-year-old singer noted the presence of Brown, she apparently made it appear that she wanted him to know that she was there.

The 28 million followers of the singer received a “Happy Valentine’s Day tweet from the singer. She indicated on Valentine’s Day that it was a day for loving and not for hating but for some people it was an ordinary day. The singer also shared an image on Instagram that showed a unique bouquet that came from an anonymous admirer. The image showed an image of a plant that looked like a marijuana plant.

In contrast, celebrity pair appeared to be the happiest couple in the world during the Grammy Awards. Rihanna and Chris Brown appeared to be nuzzled together while in their seats and were quite affectionate to each other at an after event party.

Posted by on Sunday February 17 2013, 3:18 AM EDT. Ref: US Magazine. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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