Two Black Holes Discovered in Distant Galaxy

Two Black Holes Discovered in Distant Galaxy

Two Black Holes Discovered in Distant Galaxy

Recently published study showed that two big black holes were discovered by scientists, each with a mass billion of times greater than the Sun. According to experts, the two large black holes are located in the heart of a pair of galaxies which is a hundred million light years distant from the Earth.

According to Nicholas McConnel and Chung-Pei Ma of the University of California said that the two black holes are significantly massive than expected. Based on calculations, various evolutionary processes aid the growth of galaxies and their black holes than in other smaller galaxies.

Further, scientists found out that first black hole are located in NGC 3842, the brightest of a group of galaxies about 320 million light years away from the Earth, while the second black hole is a "comparable or greater mass" located in NGC 4889, the brightest galaxy in the Coma cluster, about 335 million light years away from our planet.

In addition, astronomers stated that the universe once has harboured black holes with a size large enough to known as giants. These huge gluttons grow in tandem with their galaxies, slurping up gases, planets and stars.

Kevin Schawinski, a Yale astronomer also believed that black holes and galaxies have a symbiotic relationship to have existed since the dawn of time.

Posted by on Wednesday December 07 2011, 5:09 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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