WhatsApp Web Feature Offers iOS Support

While the WhatsApp Web service feature was made available to the Android and Windows Phone platforms earlier in the year, it was not offered for the iPhone due to limitations on the Apple platform. But, it appears that a new feature was added into the messaging service to allow iPhone users to chat using a browser.

The new feature was initially noticed by users on Reddit. It showed that support for iPhone users was listed on the website of the service. Similar to all platforms supporting the feature, it is necessary to have the latest version of the app in order to use it. However, the latest update released near the start of the month did not mention it.

WhatsApp Web Feature Offers iOS Support

WhatsApp Web Feature Available For iOS - image credit: thejournal.ie

It appears that the update requires a server-side change for every account even as there was no update on the App Store. The feature only works in browsers when the app for the iPhone is running. The popularity of the app is mainly due to its support for multiple platforms. In contrast, the iMessage of Apple is limited to Apple devices. The app is a low-cost replacement for SMS or MMS in a number of regions, and it is particularly useful for users communicating with other users in a different country.

It will be necessary for iOS users to setup the feature on the settings of the iOS app before they visit web.whatsapp.com using Google Chrome. The WhatsApp for iPhone can be downloaded through the App Store for free with the service available free of charge for the first year. Succeeding years will require an annual service fee of $0.99.

Posted by on Friday August 21 2015, 11:03 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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