“12 Years A Slave” Actors Talk About The Filming

“12 Years A Slave” Actors Talk About The Filming

“12 Years A Slave” Actors Talk About The Filming

One of the most interesting movies released this year, “12 Years a Slave” was an uneasy movie to film said the cast in a recent interview. The movie is based on the real story of Solomon Northup, an African-American that was kidnapped from the North and sold into slavery during the middles of the 19th century in the USA.

Because of the impressive and draining scenes, the cast said they had to organize weekly outings to blow off some steam and get out of the harsh reality of the movie.

Chiwetel Ejiofor said that one of the group’s favorite activities was go-karting but he added that paintball was a close second, being the perfect place to “let it all out”. Ejiofor said that the outings also gave the cast a chance to bond, become friends and get the energy to retell a story they were all so deeply involved in.

Michael Fassbender and the movie’s director Steve McQueen showed their inner performer when they went dancing said Lupita Nyong’o, one of the breakaway performers. She said that there is no better way to relieve stress than by going dancing with the cast.

"12 Years a Slave" was produced by Plan B Productions, Brad Pitt’s movie company and has been declared one of the favorites for next year’s Oscars.


Posted by on Sunday October 20 2013, 4:56 AM EDT. Ref: eonline. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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