3 Apps For Your Las Vegas Vacation

3 Apps For Your Las Vegas Vacation

3 Apps For Your Las Vegas Vacation

Las Vegas can overwhelm even seasoned veterans so don’t think twice when it comes to planning ahead and getting an app that will help you out with your Vegas get-away. You’ll be checking your phone every two seconds anyway so why not get these apps and experience Las Vegas like never before


This fun little app can make you feel like you’re part of the gang even if you didn't manage to actually get to Vegas. Buy your friends a drink in one of the many participant bars and restaurants from home with by simply using your smartphone. It doesn't go one way, if you’re from New York, San Francisco or San Diego be prepared for friends to return the favor and keep you well hydrated.


A gaming app that actually gives you prizes in real life. While the game has been played by millions of Facebook., by downloading the game and playing you can actually win free rooms, special restaurant offers, and show tickets in Las Vegas

Travel's Experience Las Vegas

Keep track of Las Vegas’ cultural scene and the latest bars and restaurants with this useful app. Plan your day, weekend or longer stay and be free to modify your program if you find out that some new place just opened tonight. There are no better apps for visiting Las Vegas out there.

Posted by on Sunday November 10 2013, 4:02 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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