3 Best Haunted Hotels For This Halloween

3 Best Haunted Hotels For This Halloween

3 Best Haunted Hotels For This Halloween

Stop focusing on scary decorations for your home, and even forget about finding the perfect costume. If you want the real deal when it comes to scary Halloween experiences try to book a room this October 31st in one of the following hotels.

Hollywod Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles

If you have a thing for passed away celebrities that sometimes come back to life and haunt certain rooms they stayed in than this is the Holy Grail of finds. Marilyn Monroe apparently made an apparition in the mirror of her former suite. You can book the room but you’ll be saddened to find out that the mirror was removed. While you’re there you should check out the ninth floor, it is apparently visited by the ghost of Montgomery Clift.

The Jailhouse Inn in Rhode Island

If you want scary then you should know that the Jail House Inn is built on the sight of an old County Jail in the city of Newport. The hotel is built with this in mind and has reminders of the location’s history built in all over the place. The Newport hotel also has quite the reputation when it comes to ghosts, with countless former detainees being seen in its rooms.

The Hay-Adams in Washington D.C.

The Hay-Adams hotel was built in the late 20’s over the homes of John Hay, the private secretary of Abraham Lincoln and Henry Adams, a relative to John Adams. It is said that the ghost of John Adams’ wife can be seen through the halls of the otherwise charming hotel.

Posted by on Sunday October 27 2013, 2:45 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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