5 Things You Should Always Buy Used

5 Things You Should Always Buy Used

5 Things You Should Always Buy Used

If you’re buying it new, you’re paying too much.

Video Games

These days most video games have extensive multiplayer modes, many of which will keep people playing for months and even years after they buy. But many gamers will nevertheless tire of a game shortly after completing the single-player campaign, and with even the longest games rarely taking more than 50 hours to complete, used games tend to flood the secondary market shortly after a game is released. That means big savings for patient gamers.

Used Car

Obviously when you buy a used car, you’re running the risk of ending up with a lemon, but the economics of the car market make it hard to pass up.

“New cars depreciate by thousands the second you drive them out of the dealership,” points out Brad Wilson of deal site BradsDeals.com. “Just never be an idiot and buy a car without having it inspected by your own trusted mechanic.”


This suggestion comes from reader Gretchen Lembach on the MainStreet Facebook page.

“They're cheaper than most e-books, I've learned, even with shipping, and it’s all reduce, reuse, etc.,” she explains. “Plus, I feel better about sending them back out into the world again.”

Baby Clothes and Furniture

Julia Scott of BargainBabe.com says she was able to furnish her newborn baby’s nursery for just $260, taking advantage of the fact that parents will use their crib, changing table and other nursery furniture for only a couple of years before putting it away in the attic. That means there’s loads of baby furniture to be had at dirt-cheap prices if you buy it used, and most of it should be plenty sturdy.

Take them up on their offer.

Other Furniture

While cribs are always going to be in ready supply on the secondhand market, it’s not the only type of furniture you can find used for a great price. We’ve always found a ton of used furniture on the market in big cities, where people who don’t want to bring their heavy furniture to a new apartment will put it on Craigslist at a huge discount.

Scott says she generally advises staying away from upholstered furniture such as couches, as it’s difficult to clean and could harbor bedbugs. Instead, go with furniture that can easily be scrubbed.

Posted by on Thursday September 13 2012, 2:30 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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