50 Cent Pleads Guilty To Vandalism Charge

50 Cent Pleads Guilty To Vandalism Charge

50 Cent Pleads Guilty To Vandalism Charge

Curtis Jackson, 37, better known as 50 Cent pleaded guilty to vandalism charges in a Los Angles court, admitting he knocked his former girlfriend’s bedroom door in. The guilty plea led to a domestic violence charge against the hip-hop superstar to be dropped this Monday.

According to the terms of the plea agreement, the rapper will avoid going to jail entirely with the condition that he serves 36 months unsupervised probation. Curtis Jackson was accused of four counts of vandalism and one count of domestic violence after he supposedly destroyed his ex-girlfriend Daphne Joy’s apartment this June.

The agreement between the Los Angeles City attorney and the rapper’s legal team speculated that Mr. Jackson would only have to plead no contest to one account of misdemeanor vandalism; more specifically the damaging of the apartment door said Scott Leemon.

The same plea earned 50 Cent 30 days of community service and a court mandated presence for a year at a domestic violence counseling center. A $7,100 fine and a restraining order preventing the rapper from coming near Daphne Joy were also part of the sentencing. He will have to appear before a judge in February of 2014 to show progress in regards to the domestic violence class and the community service.

Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson and Daphne Joy have been together for 3 years and have a child together.


Posted by on Monday October 28 2013, 6:28 PM EDT. Ref: CNN. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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