6 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Your Tablet
Tablets of today are amazing. They're perfect for a wide variety of uses, but did you know that recently many people have begun to think outside the box to find even more ways to use a tablet?
More and more people are learning how to code every single day, and they're putting that knowledge to good use to think of ways we can incorporate tablets into our daily life in unique ways. Here are a few things that they've managed to program their tablet to do recently.
Scan Items
Thanks to the combination of an external camera and Internet connectivity, you're able to scan barcodes to compare prices between items or to develop an inventory. This is especially helpful if you're either cataloging items or just searching for the best price on an item. Some banking apps even allow you to scan the front and back of a check and deposit it from your device, completely eliminating the need for driving to the bank.
Stream Live TV
Have you ever wanted to watch TV but can't because someone else is hogging the remote? Now you don't have to worry about it! Some Internet providers like Brighthouse, Comcast, and Time Warner, have apps that allow you to either stream live TV or watch shows on demand. Just log in with the username and password for your ISP and you're good to go!
Also, if you've lost the remote (or just want to be a jerk), you can use the app on your tablet to change the channel. You can scroll through a list of things that are currently playing, then choose something to watch directly from the app.
Accept Mobile Payments
Have you ever found yourself at a fundraising event or helping your kids sell Girl Scout Cookies and run into customers that don't carry cash? Worry no more! With applications like Square, you can accept mobile payments directly on your tablet! It may require a $5 or $10 device that plugs in to the tablet, but at least you won't have to worry about people not having cash!
Monitor Your Home
There are a ton of mobile security apps, and they're especially effective on tablets. Some homes are equipped with smart technology that allows you to remotely lock doors, adjust the thermostat, and more. You can also use your tablet as a security camera and log into it from another computer just to see if anything is going on inside your house.
If something's wrong, you can alert someone that lives close. Some apps let you view streams from multiple devices at once. You'll want to browse through every tablet to find the best tablet by Lenovo so you'll get a clear image of what's happening at your house. You'll never have to worry what the kids are doing at home again.
Monitor Your Vitals
This is a truly innovative app. Using the camera on your tablet, the Vital Signs Camera app will measure both your breathing and heart rate. It uses the camera to monitor the motion of your chest, and it analyzes the color of your face to measure your heart rate. Once you've got the readings, you can then share them on various social media outlets, like Facebook and Twitter.
Augmented Reality
One of the coolest types of apps out there are augmented reality apps. These apps will use your camera and location information to determine where you are and overlay information. For instance, if you're in front of a restaurant, it will display information about that restaurant, along with reviews.
Since it makes use of the Internet, you'll have to have a stable Internet connection. This is especially helpful when you're on vacation and unfamiliar with the area you're in. Imagine never having to spend time researching your next move. Just access these apps and you will have all the answers immediately at your fingertips.
Tablets aren't just used for Web browsing and social media. Innovative apps are coming out all the time, so you'll have to keep checking around to find the latest and greatest apps. Do you have an app that you love to use that makes use of your tablet in unique and interesting ways? If so, what is it, and what does it do?