70-Year Old Chinese diagnosed with HIV/AIDS

70-Year Old Chinese diagnosed with HIV/AIDS

70-Year Old Chinese diagnosed with HIV/AIDS

An old widower from central Chinese city of Wuhan was diagnosed with AIDS virus. The old widower admitted that in his late 70’s, after his wife died, he hired prostitutes for sexual pleasure.

Doctors believed that the widower from China acquired the HIV virus through unprotected sexual contact with prostitutes. Study shows that the HIV virus can be developed into a full-blown AIDS.

Based on research, 10% of China’s population is above the age of 60 and most Chinese remains sexually active. Likewise, most patients diagnosed with AIDS are male and acquired the virus through unprotected sex. United Nations stated that at least 780,000 Chinese citizens will be affected with the AIDS virus by the end of the year and most of them don’t have the slightest idea of their health condition.

Zhang Biao of China expressed that elderly who are infected with the HIV virus is a disgrace to the society. While Hao Yang, deputy director of the Health Ministry’s disease control bureau announced that his ministry has included senior citizens in its campaign against HIV/AIDS.

Currently, elderly diagnosed with HIV are required to submit proof of residence and employment in order to receive medical care from public hospitals. However, patients who are unemployed are ineligible for said treatment.

Meanwhile, Chinese activists called on Chinese government to review its HIV policy and authorize NGOs to receive funds and support from other nations.



Posted by on Friday December 02 2011, 5:20 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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