Malaria Deaths Eliminated by 2015 – WHO optimistic report

WHO: Malaria deaths will be Eliminated by 2015

Malaria Deaths Eliminated by 2015 - WHO optimistic report

Malaria, a killer disease caused by mosquitoes, has already been projected by the WHO to be eliminated soon after a 10 year progressive study against the deadly disease. The WHO has been very optimistic about the report published. For the past 10 years, malaria deaths across 43 countries have fallen by 38% after advanced research in Malaria proved to be successful. 11 out of the 43 countries are from Africa where malaria cases and deaths have declined by 50%. It is a significant decline from the previous decade where millions of lives were saved.

The WHO strongly believes by the end of 2015, malaria deaths will be totally eliminated. The progress in the study of malaria has showed tremendous improvement due to advanced technological discoveries. However, many experts said that it is a very ambitious target that might fail. The WHO has partnered with RBM in a gigantic effort to stop and eliminate malaria cases by 2015. But for any gigantic undertaking, a massive investment is also needed to fully achieve the target.

RBM said that it hopes at least to reduce global cases in malaria by 75% before 2015 ends and eliminate malaria in 10 more nations across the globe. Total eradication and elimination of the mosquito-borne disease has been seen as far from reality and some experts believed it might reach 40 to 50 more years to fully eradicate the disease.

Posted by on Tuesday September 13 2011, 4:20 AM EST. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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