Men Infertility Linked to Heart Problems

Men Infertility Linked to Heart Problems

Men Infertility Linked to Heart Problems

Chicago - A study that lasted for a period of 10 years ended Monday when U.S. researchers announced to the public the results of a decade-long study involving 135,000 men and the relationship between heart disease deaths and having no children. The study found out men who did not have any children in their lifetime have higher risk of dying from heart problem. The study also has raised new questions about the link between fertility of every man against his overall health condition.

The recent findings are not suggesting that heart problems were caused by having no children at all but suggest infertility as the potential early warning sign of heart trouble in the future, reported in Human Reproduction Journal.  The recent findings can be used as emerging evidence that will further support the link between infertility and man's health condition in the future, Michael Eisenberg, doctor from Stanford Univ. in Calif., said.  Eisenberg also added that infertile men are at higher risk of developing certain cancers.

He and his team would like to study further and find out other role infertility might play in man's later life. The team of researchers had studied men over the age of 50 who were AARP members.  The researchers did not really know whether men involved in the study wanted to become fathers or not but one thing is certain, they chose only men who were married. The researchers studied 135,000 men either married or formerly married aged 50 years old and above in the study that started way back in 1996.



Posted by on Wednesday September 28 2011, 5:06 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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