Cholera vaccine: Effective but low cost Cure Tested by Scientists

Cholera vaccine: Effective but low cost Cure Tested by Scientists

Cholera vaccine: Effective but low cost Cure Tested by Scientists

Cholera has been considered a major health problem on a global scale, causing both endemic and epidemic disease. Modern cholera vaccines have been found as the safest and most effective preventive measure for the disease replacing the conventional but already obsolete injection-based vaccines for cholera.

The World Health Organization has recently released its own statement saying that vaccination might be the best preventive measure for epidemic and endemic cholera.  Currently, there are 2 available vaccines for cholera. The first in one is available in more than 50 countries which contains toxin B (BS) and (WC) or killed cholera whole cells while the 2nd one only contains WC which is available in Vietnam and India.

The results of the study of the 2 different vaccines compared in different scientific trials do not provide conclusive evidence that the other one is more effective than the other. The BS-WC OCV was only effective during the first 2 years after follow-up as compared to the WC OCV that demonstrated efficiency even up to the 3rd year after follow-up. Long-term protection is not only the factor to be considered for cholera vaccines (OCV). Short-term efficiency may be advantageous in some cases such as self limited outbreaks. The ultimate goal is to produce a low-cost vaccine but at the same time very effective in fighting cholera.

Posted by on Sunday October 23 2011, 4:55 AM EDT. Ref: Dipika Sur et al. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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