Hilary Clinton Campaigns for “AIDS-FREE GENERATION”
US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton campaigned on an “AIDS-FREE GENERATION” during her speech last Tuesday at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. In her speech, she encouraged the United States and other countries to develop and use scientific discoveries and technology for the attainment of humanity free from the deadly AIDS.
Although her intentions and objectives are good, the Secretary of State never mentioned on how and where to get the money to finance her ambitious vision. Administration officials suggested that in order to achieve that goal, developing countries must contribute more. Hillary Rodham Clinton also suggested focusing on implementing circumcision for men, multi-drug cocktails for pregnant women and immediate medication to patients as soon as they are inflicted with AIDS. It was also emphasized to apply the A.B.C. that means abstinence, being faithful to your partner and protect one’s self by using condoms.
Likewise in her convincing speech, the Secretary of State mentioned spending $60 million on test or trials and targeted that by 2015 her “AIDS-FREE GENERATION” would be reached. That means no infected mothers will infect their baby at birth or acquire it through breastfeeding, since it is one of the major causes of the spread of infection.
Many Health Officials attended and admired Mrs. Clinton’s speech though it was quite ambitious and yet have to search for ways and means on how to make it a reality for the foreign aid budget is under pressure in Congress.