George Michael: Recovering from Pneumonia

George Michael: Recovering from Pneumonia

George Michael: Recovering from Pneumonia

After being admitted to a hospital in Vienna on November 21, George Michael, the 48-year-old British singer is recovering from acute pneumonia. Michael temporarily postponed the rest of his 2011 tours after he was rushed to the hospital.

However, rumors and recent reports including a Telegraph article stated that George Michael is nearly to his death due to serious and complicated health problems, more serious than pneumonia. Likewise, the Telegraph also reported that George Michael’s family and loved ones have been at his bedside in the hospital.

But according to Michael’s publicist in his recent interview with ABC News, other rumors regarding the present health condition and illness of George Michael is said to be untrue because at present Michael is receiving excellent medical care. Likewise, Michael’s publicist revealed that he as responded to treatment positively and slowly recovering from the viral disease known as pneumonia.

Aside from his current health problem, George Michael had previous health treatments due to failing health and drug related problems. Yes, he may have overcome his drug demons, but ailments continue to afflict the 48-year-old British singer, resulting to cancellation and rescheduling of his European concert tours.


Posted by on Wednesday November 30 2011, 5:34 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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