China Reveals “Space plans” for 2016

China Reveals “Space plans” for 2016

China Reveals “Space plans” for 2016

China is planning to launch space labs and manned ships and prepare to build space stations over the next five years. According to a plan released it shows the country's space program is gathering momentum. Its eventual goals are to have a space station and put an astronaut on the moon. It has made methodical development with its striving lunar and human spaceflight plans, but its latest five-year program beginning next year signals acceleration.

According to China's space progress and future missions by the end of 2016, China will launch space laboratories, manned spaceship and ship freighters, and make technological preparations for the construction of space stations.

China has already made major breakthroughs in a relatively short time, although it lags far behind the United States and Russia in space technology and experience.

China places great emphasis on the development of its space industry, which is seen as a symbol of national prestige. Its space principles – including peaceful development, enhancing international cooperation and deep space exploration.

The Chinese government's policy is to "value" space cooperation with developed countries including Russia, Brazil, France and Britain, and says of the United States.

In 2003, China became the third country to launch a man into space and, five years later, completed a spacewalk behind the U.S. and Russia



Posted by on Wednesday January 04 2012, 4:47 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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