Phone-Stacking Trend Teaches To Talk To Each Other On Dinner

Phone-Stacking Trend Teaches To Talk To Each Other On Dinner

Phone-Stacking Trend Teaches To Talk To Each Other On Dinner

The hot new game has surfaced that forces people to talk to each other on dinner. Nowadays it’s tough for people to talk to each other in a group of friends. Everybody is texting, tweeting, taking calls, and looking at their Facebook page basically, everything except for talking to each other.

While the Tumblr blog, came up with the game called the Phone Stack and it is quickly becoming a new dining trend.

The rules are simple: When everybody arrives and sits down to eat, each person places his or her phone face-down or stacks it on a pile in the middle of the table. The first person to look at his or her phone has to pay the bill. If the bill comes before any phones are checked, everyone wins and pays for their own meal.

One food blogger calls it "One of the coolest pieces of socially engineered live gaming I've ever heard of."

The response has been overwhelming on Tumblr with more than 60,000 Tumblr blogs have shared the game, and almost every person who does thinks the idea is brilliant.


Posted by on Friday January 13 2012, 4:35 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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