Hungry?: First Test-tube Hamburger will be Introduced this Fall

Hungry?: First Test-tube Hamburger will be Introduced this Fall

Hungry?: First Test-tube Hamburger will be Introduced this Fall

New development dubbed as the world’s first ever “test-tube” meat, will be introduced this fall, Dutch scientist Mark Post announced in a conference on Sunday.

The purpose of this experiment is to invent efficient ways in producing skeletal muscle tissue that exactly mimics meat, and would eventually replace the entire meat-animal industry.

The experiment is still in its “laboratory phase," but by fall, Post announced that have they have committed themselves to make a couple of thousand of small tissues, and then assemble them into a hamburger made from a cow's stem cells.

Mark Post, chair of physiology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, said the project is funded with 250,000 Euros from an anonymous philanthropist driven by "care for the environment, food for the world, and interest in life-transforming technologies."

At the symposium entitled "The Next Agricultural Revolution," Post and other speakers divulge their aim to develop such "meat" products for the reduction of the environmental and health costs of conventional food production.

Speakers further said that “conventional meat and dairy production requires more land, water, plants and disposal of waste products than almost all other human foods”, which would eventually results to lost in biodiversity, more greenhouse and other gases, and an increase in disease.

 The experiment is anchored on the idea that the production of the artificial meat would resolve global food and environmental problems.


Posted by on Wednesday February 22 2012, 6:59 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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