Giant Earthquake Hits Indonesia Once Again

Giant Earthquake Hits Indonesia Once Again

Giant Earthquake Hits Indonesia Once Again

6.6 magnitude earthquake hits Palu, a rural area located in northern Indonesia on Saturday leaving six people dead, four hundred seventy one houses severely damage and forty three people seriously injured. Indonesia’s disaster management officials continues to do search and rescue operations in the hope to find other casualties.

Unfortunately, some villages in Palu were not yet given immediate assistance because the roads were blocked by large landslides. “Heavy equipment such as trucks and bulldozers have been sent to the landslides.”SutopoPurwoNogroho stated, spokesman of Indonesia’s National Disaster Mitigation Agency.

Health, disaster and social welfare officials are on their way to affected area to provide food and health assistance to all the victims of earthquake. Report said.

In December 2004, a strong earthquake struck the west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. Two hundred twenty seven eight hundred ninety eight people were killed after a 9.1 magnitude earthquake released a deadly tsunami and just last April, an 8.6 magnitude earthquake has also been reported in the west coast of northern Sumatra. Luckily, no major damage was recounted.

Indonesia frequently experience earthquakes and volcanic eruptions because it is located in the so-called Ring of Fire, acurve of fault lines circling the Pacific Basin. Countries that are near or within that zone are likely to encounter such calamities.

Posted by on Tuesday August 21 2012, 10:15 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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