NBC Chief Foreign Correspondent Escapes From Syrian Militia

NBC Chief Foreign Correspondent Escapes From Syrian Militia

NBC Chief Foreign Correspondent Escapes From Syrian Militia

NBC Chef Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel was kidnapped along with several other colleagues by a group of armed men and held captive for five days.

About 12 armed gunmen, presumably part of a Shiite militia loyal to present Syrian Government managed to kidnap NBC Chief Foreign Correspondent and a bunch of other press writers blindfolded them and held them captive until a fight between them and a rebel group created the perfect opportunity for their escape.

The 39 year old Engel told the press “They kept us blindfolded, bound … We weren’t physically beaten or tortured. A lot of psychological torture, threats of being killed. They made us choose which one of us would be shot first and when we refused, there were mock shootings”

Regarding the allegiance of the militia the NBC Chief Foreign Correspondent said “They were talking openly about their loyalty to the government,”

The Chief Foreign Correspondent also suggested that his captors were allied with Hezbollah and were trained by the Iranian Revolutionary guard, both of which are supporters of the much hated Syrian Government. Syria banned a big part of foreign media coverage since the protest started in March 2011.

Richard Engel was named Chief Foreign Correspondent in 2008 after being with NBC since 2003.

Posted by on Wednesday December 19 2012, 5:06 AM EDT. Ref: FOX News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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