Margaret Thatcher’s Funeral Will Be Held Next Week

Margaret Thatcher’s Funeral Will Be Held Next Week

Margaret Thatcher’s Funeral Will Be Held Next Week

The funeral for the recently departed former PM, will apparently be held next week on the 17th of April. Thatcher was 87 years old when she passed away this Monday, after several strokes.

The funeral will take place at London’s St Paul’s Cathedral after the procession will take place in Westminster.

While Lady Thatcher won’t have a state funeral she will be awarded the same status as the Queen Mother or the beloved Princess Diana.

Representatives from Downing Street said that all the details regarding Lady Thatcher’s funeral were been decided at a meeting between Thatcher’s family and Buckingham Palace representatives.

Margaret Thatcher was the United Kingdom’s first female prime minister. She held the PM seat for 11 years, winning three elections, and earning the nickname “The Iron Lady” for her resilience and the decisiveness with which she backed her reforms.

International leaders like U.S. president Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian president Vladimir Putin paid their respects and said that the former PM was one of the most impressive political figures of the century.

All things weren't smooth as gatherings that celebrated Margaret Thatcher’s demise broke out across Britain, particularly in Glasgow, London and Bristol, areas that were affected by some of Lady Thatcher’s hard decisions in regards to unions and industry.

Posted by on Wednesday April 10 2013, 4:10 AM EDT. Ref: BBC. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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