Fake Bomb Detectors Salesman Imprisoned For 10 Years
A British business man was sentenced by a court this Thursday to 10 years imprisonment for selling fake bomb detectors.
The judge said that the man was trying to make a fraudulent profit with complete and utter disrespect for the consequences and the potential victims.
The business man is James McCormick who made a mind numbing amount of money from the sale of his fake bomb detectors, respectively $77.8 million. McCormick sold his machines to countries like Belgium, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kenya and Niger.
Judge Richard Hone, of the Old Bailey court based in London, convicted McCormick to 10 years saying that his trickery was obscene and outrageous.
Hone added that the fraudulent nature of his sales for a huge profit gave people a false sense of security and probably lead to the death of some individuals.
Judge hone concluded in saying that McCormick had “neither insight, shame or any sense of remorse”.
Prosecutors said that McCormick’s devices claimed they could detect bombs and drugs both in the air and under water. The truth was the devices had no functional purpose and where as effective as guessing if a certain package contained explosives or drugs.
McCormick said his fake bomb detectors didn't bring him complaints from any of his unsuspecting customers.