Experts weigh in on right ways to beat hangover


Experts weigh in on right ways to beat hangover

New Year's Eve parties usually result in hangovers for many, and there are several tips out there on how to handle it as you wake up on the first day of the year. But experts say if you don't want a hangover, then skipping alcohol altogether is the best way to go. But only a few ever heed that warning especially at this time of the year, so drinking in moderation is the next best thing. For those who plan to drink amid all the revelry, it is good to be informed that common advice for hangovers does little to help ease it. For example, a Bloody Mary in the morning is thought to help. But doctors warn that more alcohol can only prove toxic to the body, which needs to recover from ingesting alcohol. Drinking more will only prolong a bad hangover. Another common tip is to have a cup of coffee, supposedly to counter the effect of alcohol. But medical professionals say coffee will further dehydrate the body, and will unlikely alleviate the nausea, dizziness and splitting headache of a hangover.

Eating bacon and eggs for breakfast on New Year's Day is also claimed to be a cure. But the more appropriate diet would be cereal or anything easy on the stomach. Oily food can result in heartburn on top of the hangover. Also, studies have shown that hangover pills are practically useless in preventing hangovers, so buy a multivitamin instead. On the other hand, Alka-Seltzer, long known for its anti-hangover properties, may actually be helpful as it helps calm down an upset stomach after drinking.  Probably the most important principle to remember is to keep your body hydrated. In that case, plain old water will be best. Juices and rehydrating drinks are good alternatives.

Posted by on Friday December 31 2010, 1:45 AM EST. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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