Savory Snacks 2017 France Industry PepsiCo, Amazon , Wholefoods – Market Analysis and Forecast to 2021


WiseGuyReports published new report, titled “Savory Snacks in France” 

"Top Growth Opportunities: Savory Snacks in France", provides an overview of the savory snacks food market, analyzing market data, demographic consumption patterns within the category, and the key consumer trends driving consumption. proprietary Risk vs Reward Opportunity model pinpoints the best growth opportunities for savory snacks producers, suppliers and retailers by combining robust, granular data and expert insight. The report uses this framework to identify the best opportunities, analyze white spaces in the market, and outline new product development that will effectively target the most pertinent consumer need states. These are combined to offer strategic recommendations to capitalize on evolving consumer landscapes.

This report provides recommended actions and detailed analysis of how to target the best growth opportunities for savory snack producers and retailers. Readers can understand what categories, channels, companies, and consumers will drive the success of savory snacks food markets in France through detailed and robust data, expert insight, and case studies.

Top Growth Opportunity reports use a risk versus reward opportunity model to identify the best growth markets for savory snacks food producers. Through this in-depth study of market and category dynamics, readers are able to identify key opportunities, and what they need to do in order to target them.


Get access to – 

- Key consumer demographic groups driving consumption within the France market. Improve your consumer targeting by understanding who’s driving the market, what they want, and why
- A study of market value and volumes over 2011-2016 for France, supplemented with category, brand and packaging analysis that shows the current state of the market, and how it will evolve over the 2016-2021 period
- White space analysis, to pinpoint attractive spaces in the market and the key actions to take
- Insight into the implications behind the data, and analysis of how the consumer needs will evolve in the short-to-medium term future
- Examples of international and regional product innovation targeting key consumer needs.




- Amongst the top ten savory snacks markets, France ranks sixth in terms of per capita expenditure (in US$ terms) in 2016, larger than Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and China
- The French savory snacks market is forecast to register growth at a CAGR of 5.9% during 2016-2021 and is expected to be worth US$2,306.2 million by 2021. This surge in savory snack consumption is expected to be fuelled by the social culture of French consumers, which encourages consumption of savory snacks in social gatherings
- Tim-pressed consumers look out for savory snacks products with convenient and portable formats that can be carried and consumed while on-the-go or at work places. Consequently, the per capita expenditure on savory snacks products is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5% during 2016-2021 and offers good growth opportunities in future
- Over 2016-2021 potato chips is expected to record the fastest value growth in US$ over the same period.


Key points to buy

- This report brings together consumer analysis and market data to provide actionable insight into the behavior of France 's Savory snacks consumers.
- This is based on unique consumer data, developed from extensive consumption surveys and consumer group tracking, which quantifies the influence of 20 consumption motivations in the Savory Snacks sector.
- Category, brand, and packaging dynamics are also examined. This allows product and marketing strategies to be better aligned with the leading trends in the market.


Table of Contents        

  1. Introducing a top growth market for savory snacks
  2. Market insight - identifying the opportunities to move into
  3. Retail and distribution insight - key channels and retailers driving growth
  4. Company and brand insight - the competitive landscape defined
  5. Consumer insight - who, what, when, where and why
  6. Product and packaging insights
  7. White spaces and innovation opportunities - space to move into
  8. Appendix and Definitions




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