Moammar Gadhafi reportedly mulling options for exile

Moammar Gadhafi

Moammar Gadhafi Reportedly Preparing Exit

Moammar Gadhafi will soon have to face the inevitable fate that lies ahead for him in the face of the relentless rebel and NATO attacks against his regime. Each day that passes is one day closer to an exile for the long-time dictator.

Through his son Saif al-Islam, Moammar Gadhafi is said to be exploring his options to leave Libya, Bloomberg said today.

Mohamed Al Akari, who is an aide of National Transitional Council head Mahmoud Jebril, said that Saif al-Islam is realizing that it is the endgame for his father's regime.

"Of course, he is trying to put some terms. We understand those terms and we know how to play the negotiations," Akari said, adding that Moammar Gadhafi will not be allowed to stay in Libya where the strongman vowed to die defending his four-decade rule.

According to Akari, among the countries that would welcome Gadhafi are Senegal and South Africa. Uganda had already said it could offer Moammar Gadhafi political asylum. Many other African states such as Zimbabwe, where the Libyan leader has strong support, are strong candidates for places of exile.

Gadhafi's forces have suffered massive losses in recent weeks from the constant NATO bombing and the assault of rebels. The regime has been hurt by successive defections of military generals and officials close to Gadhafi and also by the cut-off in oil supply routes.

U.S. and NATO officials are assuming that Moammar Gadhafi's regime will fall very soon and they have already made preparations for a transition to democracy in war-torn Libya.


Posted by on Friday June 10 2011, 6:11 AM EDT. Ref: Bloomberg. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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