Al Qaeda Suspects Arrested in Spain
Three people who are suspected to be linked to al Qaeda were arrested by the authorities in the southern part of Spain. One among the three was caught to have explosives. These explosives were to be used in their plans of attacking either the Iberian country or other nations in Europe.
On Thursday, Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said that the police have arrested two members of al Qaeda from ex-Soviet republics near Ciudad Real, and a Turkish man close to Cadiz. The explosives were found at the house of the Turkish man.
Those who were arrested near Ciudad Real were senior al Qaeda operatives that have broad bomb-making experience.
As said by Diaz, it is one of the most significant operations against al Qaeda that needs to be carried out internationally.
"There are clear indications that the suspects arrested could have been planning an attack in Spain, and or, other European countries," Diaz said.
Police officers of other countries also helped in the operation. Furthermore, the explosive materials that were confiscated were being analyzed. No other details were given on how much material was collected; however, the minister said it was enough to blow a bus.
al Qaeda was blamed on an attack in 2004 in a railway station in Madrid that killed 191 people.