Alison Pill Still Embarrassed By Twitter Photo Last Year

Alison Pill Still Embarrassed By Twitter Photo Last Year

Alison Pill Still Embarrassed By Twitter Photo Last Year

Although it was one year after Alison Pill accidentally tweeted an image of herself without a top on, she is still embarrassed about the incident. She recounted the incident during an interview with Conan O’Brien recently. O’Brien said that he was still unable to comprehend what happened.

The 27-year-old “Newsroom” actress indicated that she did not realize that her new BlackBerry featured touch screen display. She accidentally sent the image to Twitter. She was responding to someone on Twitter at the time the image was tweeted.

She started to explain about the reason on why she had the image on her smartphone by saying that she was not with her fiancé during that time. However, she did not elaborate further about it.

Alison Pill admitted that it was a dumb thing to do. She felt foolish and embarrassed about the incident. Her embarrassment lasted for around three months after the incident. Each time she would meet someone, she would immediate recall the incident.

Pill said that after the tweet, she immediately deleted the image of her without her top in September 2012. She also wrote that the image came out and that she was still having issues with technology.

Alison Pill was engaged with Jay Baruchel during this time. The actor laughed about the incident and said that his fiancé is an entertaining dork. The 31-year-old “This Is the End” actor also tweeted that he was glad it did not happen to him first and that smartphones will get everyone.

The engagement of the Canadian stars was called off last March after a three-year engagement. The distance affected their relationship. Baruchel was passionate about living and working in Canada. He wanted the actress to pay him a visit often. However, Alison Pill liked the “Newsroom” and found a number of numerous opportunities in the United States.

Posted by on Friday September 06 2013, 8:31 AM EDT. Ref: US Magazine. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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