Amazon Cuts The Price For Kindle Fire

Amazon Cuts The Price For Kindle Fire

Amazon Cuts The Price For Kindle Fire

With their new Kindle Fire HD 8.9 being aimed at the younger generation of tech consumers and eBook readers, like students and teenagers, Amazon decided to reduce the price tag this month.

For the entire duration of January, Amazon has decided to cut the price of their new Kindle Fire HD 8.9 by a considerable $50, making the tablet cost $249 for the ad supported 16GB version. T

he same discount applies to Amazon’s 4G LTE model, bringing the cost of the device down to an impressively low $449.

This deal doesn't just show great marketing from Amazon, but also how well they managed to integrate their products, services, and content. People that will purchase the Kindle Fire tablet aren't just going to get a tablet from Amazon, but the entire media package that the e-commerce company offers. This provides a double benefit for Amazon as it locks their customers in.

To be able to purchase the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 with the $50 dollar price cut two requirements will have to be met. The first is for buyers to sign up in Amazon’s Student program, this requires a .edu email address.

The second and quite possibly tougher condition that has to be met is that all buyers will need to be subscribed to Amazon Prime, a service that costs $49 a year for students. However, Amazon offers a free six month subscription to Prime, an offer that will make the 50 dollars discount for the Kindle Fire HD that much more attractive.

Posted by on Friday January 04 2013, 3:41 AM EDT. Ref: Washington Post. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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