Amy Winehouse’s death – Family, fellow singers and fans saddened

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse’s death - Family, fellow singers and fans saddened

Janis Winehouse, mother of deceased British singer Amy Winehouse, says the family has been so much saddened by the surprised death of her wonderful daughter. Amy Winehouse as she observed was already very unwell a day before her death. Outside the singer's home in North London, mounds of flowers were sent by mourning fans and supporters including handful of messages and notesas a tribute for the singer's death.

The 27 year old Amy Winehouse has been struggling for years because of alcohol and drug abuse. Police cannot determine as of now her death and drug abuse is not appropriate to link as the main cause of her death. Monday or Tuesday, Post-Mortem will be released to identify the actual cause of the singer's untimely death. Amy Winehouse will always be remembered as a great and lovable daughter, sister and niece to her family.

Russell Brand, actor, who also suffered and struggled for years to overcome drug abuse, encouraged the public not to judge Winehouse. He said that drug addiction is not a crime but a disease that can kill. Fellow singers quoted her someone with powerful voice in such a small package. Currently, the family has yet to release any information about the singer’s funeral and burial.


Posted by on Tuesday July 26 2011, 7:17 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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