Android Marshmallow Coming To Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge

The latest version of the Android OS of Google is set to be released to the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the S6 Edge. The South Korean company announced recently that it will provide the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update to two of its high-end smartphones immediately. The updates for other Samsung Galaxy devices will also be released soon.

The location and mobile service provider of the device owners will determine when they will receive the update on their smartphones. However, Samsung has yet to reveal the release of the update for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+.

Android Marshmallow Coming To Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge

Android Marshmallow Coming To Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge - image credit:

This major software upgrade on the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge will provide a number of new features. Among the features offered by Marshmallow include better battery life, redesigned app drawer and better integration of Google Now into the Android OS. The Marshmallow update of Google was initially launched in May 2015 and was released into the Nexus phones of the company in October. It is considered as the biggest software update since October 2014.

While Android is currently the most popular mobile software, a good number of customers only get to use the version installed on their devices. Due to this, device owners will only be able to benefit from the latest features if they purchase a new device. Developers will also have lesser motivation in retooling apps to allow them to take advantage of the latest features. Marshmallow is currently being used by less than 1.2 percent of all devices using the mobile software.

The Edge screen feature is also being updated by Samsung together with Marshmallow. The update will expand the width of the panel along the edge of the phone being used by customers to reach the contacts list, apps, launch tools, news, sports scores and company stocks.

Posted by on Tuesday February 16 2016, 9:35 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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