Apple and Stephen Ambrose Develop The Asius Inflating Earpiece

Apple and Stephen Ambrose Develop The Asius Inflating Earpiece

Apple and Stephen Ambrose Develop The Asius Inflating Earpiece

Stepehen Ambrose, a great inventor in the audio tech field and Apple have teamed up to create something that might just revolutionize the way we listen to music.

The revolutionary invention called the Asius is an earpiece that inflates in your ear creating a fantastic fit regardless of size.

The airbag like invention will also be able to prevent damage suffered by the ear, because it will efficiently block out any additional noise, thus preventing ear damage sustained when people turn their devices too loud so they can compensate for the noise around them.

According to press representatives that have had the opportunity to try out this amazing earpiece, the Asius creates a comfortable feeling, comparable to the increase in pressure when riding an elevator.

Even more, the high tech device will harness the sound pressure from the speaker to inflate itself thus increasing efficiency. The Asius can be much more than an entertainment tool, with possible use for hearing aids making this a fantastic new invention for those with hearing problems.

Companies like Apple, Sony or Sennheiser are already trying to include the Asius device in their products so people should expect to see an inflatable pair of earbuds in stores pretty soon.


Posted by on Friday January 18 2013, 5:40 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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