April Fool’s Day Joke About Trader Joe’s Goes Awry

An April Fool’s Day joke went awry after it was posted a day before the actual date itself. A report on Yahoo! News indicated that Trader Joe’s will be closing all its stores by next year. The report also indicated that the company is also planning to discontinue its products.

With the increasing weariness in the world, jokes for April 1 have started to come out earlier than the date itself. The prank posted by Yahoo! News used the grocery stores of Trader Joe’s as bait. While many people would not believe that a news outlet would post a joke on March 31, Yahoo! News posted it.

The report included a number of realistic quotes from Dan Bane, the CEO of the California-based company. One of the quotes indicated that the stiff competition in the market did not make it practical for the company to continue its operations. Due to this, the company decided to close all its stores. However, it turned out that the report was a prank.

April Fool’s Day Joke About Trader Joe’s Goes Awry

April Fool’s Day Joke About Trader Joe’s Goes Awry - image credit: wikimedia.org

The report resulted to reactions on the Internet. Some people were anxious of the closure of the stores while others were cynical about the report. However, it was confirmed by Oregonian and Snopes that the company selling Charles Shaw wines and cookie butter will continue its operations.

The report turned out to be test to show who will read articles on the internet all the way to the end. A disclaimer was posted at the end of the report. The disclaimer indicated that while the news may be shocking for people, it was already April 1, which meant it was simply a joke for the biggest prank day for the year. The post added that readers should celebrate for being a fool with their favorite cheap wine.

However, the report about the supposed closure of Trader Joe’s was posted on March 31 or a day earlier than April 1st.




Posted by on Friday April 01 2016, 12:56 PM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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