Arnold Schwarzenegger Talks About Divorce With Maria Shriver

In a recent interview with Howard Stern, Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed that his breakup with Maria Shriver after a 25-year marriage was his biggest failure in life.

Before the revelation, Stern told the action star that he did not have any major personal setbacks before the separation in 2011. The 67-year-old actor said he had a number of personal setbacks, but he considered the separation as “the biggest setback and the biggest failure.” He added that it was not only a failure since he thinks he is the one “to blame for it.”

The “Terminator” star also said no one else can be blamed for it, and he was “disappointed in it.” He added that while it is not difficult to be smart in hindsight, a person can try to make the best out of the situation. Arnold Schwarzenegger was referring to being the father of the child of the family housekeeper, which he revealed in 2011.

The actor sought personal help during the divorce, as how Stern put it. Schwarzenegger said the two of them did and it was the biggest mistake he made in life. He said Maria encouraged him to go through it, and he thought he should not go since he made a mistake. The actor felt it was unnecessary for him to have someone explain to him about what happened. The former governor of California added that he apologized to Maria and the children before trying to move forward.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Talks About Divorce With Maria Shriver

Arnold Schwarzenegger Talks About His Divorce - image credit:

In the end, everything worked out as he has maintained a friendship with Maria and continues to be respected by their children. Arnold Schwarzenegger also said that while it may be necessary for people to seek help whenever it is needed, it did not work well for him in the situation.

The 61-year-old Stern, who also had a divorce in 2001, said the most difficult part of the divorce is the children. He added that his own children are doing well and he loves them and is proud of them.

Arnold Schwarzenegger said he was given a pleasant surprise by his former wife and children on the world premiere of "Terminator Genisys." He said he walked into a room and saw it was filled with balloons. He initially thought it was a congratulatory notice for the premiere, a note showed that it came from his former wife and children. The note said he was the greatest dad, man, and everything, which revealed the type of relationship they have.

The actor said a failed marriage may still result to this type of love if the whole family will work together. Maria and their children were helpful, and the actor feels he is fortunate to have helpful people around them. Arnold Schwarzenegger also touched on the child he fathered with the housekeeper. The actor said the child, who is already a teenager, is great and understands the entire situation. While it was not easy for him, his children and the entire family, everything worked out in the end.

Posted by on Thursday June 25 2015, 7:55 PM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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