Art Show Dedicated To Robin Williams To Be Held In San Francisco

Art Show Dedicated To Robin Williams To Be Held In San Francisco

Art Show Dedicated To Robin Williams To Be Held In San Francisco

Robin Williams is best remembered as among the most versatile actors of his generation. The roles he played on the big screen ranged from lighthearted ones, such as Mrs. Doubtfire, to more serious ones, like his character on Dead Poets Society. But, fans in San Francisco will have the opportunity to honor the late actor through an art show organized by Ezra Croft.

Croft was the person behind the Christopher Walken and Nic Cage art shows in the past. The upcoming show features a number of depictions of the late comic genius, live music, performances, ad stand-up comedy.

Croft revealed he was looking forward to organizing a show to honor the late actor. But, he opted to wait for around six months after his death to pay respect to the actor. He said he did not want to take advantage of the death of Robin Williams. He added that the show will focus on celebration instead of mourning the passing of the actor.

He said they will have a celebratory attitude with the show for the actor, who was a person who brought laughter in a number of his movies. Jamie DeWolf will host the show.

DeWolf said the show will celebrate the Williams as a person along with his art and the community behind it. It will also commemorate the inspiration he gave to a number of people. It basically celebrates the irrepressible sense of humor of the late actor.

The Oakland Children’s Hospital will become the recipient of a good portion of the proceeds from the show. The organizers are also asking people who may have close encounters with the late actor and would like to share it to get in touch with Croft. The show commemorating Robin Williams will open on January 3 and will be held at Public Works.

Posted by on Saturday January 03 2015, 7:44 AM EDT. Ref: SF Weekly. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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